Considered by critics as one of the great chamber music ensembles
Since its founding in 2002, this ensemble has received critical acclaim for their excellent and emotional performances. They have performed works from the traditional repertoire, as well as the most important Guitar and Orchestra concertos such as Joaquín Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez and Fantasía para un Gentilhombre, Manuel M. Ponce's Concierto del Sur, Gerardo Taméz's Concierto San Ángel, among others.
They have performed in the most important concert halls in the country, such as the Palacio de Bellas Artes, (MUNAL) National Museum of Art in Mexico City, Guanajuato, Puebla, Hidalgo, State of Mexico, Colima, Chihuahua, Nuevo León, as well as San Antonio, United States, Austria, etc., as well as different prestigious universities and radio programs.
Recently, they participated in the recording of a commemorative album for National Guitar Day.
Due to their high artistic quality, they have been dedicated works such as Sonarteña, Sonata for Guitar and Piano, by maestro Óscar Cárdenas, Once Haikú, by maestro Jorge Córdoba Valencia, Nostalgia del Cadejo by Maestro Hugo Rosales, Imágenes Son-oras by Maestro Gerardo Tamez and other works soon to be premiered.
Among their repertoire, they have included arrangements dedicated by the great Uruguayan guitarist Baltazar Benítez (RIP).
Although their activity as soloists has been constant since the beginning of their careers, their most important objective is to encourage Mexican composers to write music for this unusual combination of Piano and Guitar.
Jorge Córdova Valencia, Hugo Rosales, Gerardo Tamez, Venus Rey, Jaime Uribe, Oscar Cárdenas, and many other composers have written music specifically for this combination of instruments.
These composers recognize the unique qualities of the duo and have contributed to the repertoire with their innovative and original compositions. Through their dedication and creativity, they have helped to expand the possibilities of the guitar and piano duo and have contributed to the growth and development of chamber music.
Concerts and masterclasses from Mexico for the world.
Lessons at all levels of piano, guitar or ensembles.